Tuesday, September 19, 2006

November, Namibia

Hello again,

I've sent pretty much everyone a little email outlining my upcoming adventures, but neglected to expand on much else other than what I might be doing and where I will be going. I've been thinking a lot about Namibia and the Peace Corps lately and that's the point of this entry: to share my thoughts.

I am excited, very excited, but who wouldn't be?? I will be living in a totally foreign environment while interacting with and learning from people so different than myself. What isn't there to be excited about! I will be teaching science, which is awesome. I'm a dork, a great big science dork. I am happy to get the chance to teach something I love.

I may be young and idealistic...but completely naive I am not. I know this is going to be tough. I have to learn how to become a teacher, and I won't settle for being just an average teacher. I want to be a damn good one. On top of that, I have to adapt to a completely foreign culture all while being so far away from the people closest to me. And, any of the meat I do happen to eat, will probably have bones in it! I hate bones and I may just not eat meat. I am nervous, almost like the feeling you get before a race. You know it isn't going to be easy, no matter how much you've prepared yourself. You wonder if you're up to it, or if you're just going to fall apart...but you've also got this idea in your mind that you're going to run hard and do awesome. (Yeah, I'm a runner...I just used a racing analogy).

I also have a million little worries and concerns. Mostly of the silly kind. I know that I will make friends and that I will get along just fine with whatever I bring or forget to bring. I also know I won't lose touch with everyone and I probably won't be shrivled, burnt raisin when I return (Namibia is hot and dry...desert sun + abby skin...i'm bringing a lot of sunscreen). I also know, or at least hope, that I will help or impact at least a few people while I'm over there.

Teaching science in Namibia wasn't the original program I was nominated into, but I think that this program is going to be so great and definitely waiting for. Until next time.



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